Do you want to know if you have what it takes to succeed? If you can stay on this website for a few minutes without clicking off, it means you’re serious about changing your financial future.

We’ve created a course in options trading within the stock market that’s been effective for over 15 years, yet for some reason, no one knows about it.

With just 6 lessons, you’ll master a strategy that only takes 5 minutes of your day—no need to spend all day glued to a monitor like the so-called gurus.

So, are you ready to unlock your potential and start making serious money from the market? Let’s get started!!!

Pause & Play: Don’t Miss Our Must-Watch Intro!

Before you dive into our course, we urge you to watch our 30-minute introductory video. It’s not just an overview, it’s your first step towards mastering the market. This video will clearly explain our approach to Cash-Secured Put Options and Value Momentum Investing. We want you to make an informed decision, ensuring our course aligns with your investment goals. We’re confident that once you’ve watched this video, you’ll be excited about our course. So, take the first step, watch the video, and get ready to unlock your financial potential!

We’ve built our strategy upon the wisdom of two investment legends, guiding us to prioritize safety and intelligence in every move.

“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1. If you buy things for far below what they’re worth, you basically don’t lose money.”
– Warren Buffett

“To be an intelligent investor, know yourself well enough to pick the right way, stick with it over the course of your investing lifetime, and keep your costs and emotions under control.”
– Benjamin Graham

Consistent Yearly
Gains through Transparent Options Investing Strategy

With our proven strategy, we’ve successfully combined Options and Value Investing. We’ve transparently documented over 90 trades on YouTube, consistently achieving an average of 1.5% monthly gains. We’re proud to be up 20% with an 88% trade success rate.

documented videos
success rate
years of experience

Discover Today, Master Tomorrow.

Gain lifetime access to our online courses for mastering options value investment. Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.

Find our strategy too complex? We’re here to change that perception.

Watch us in action! A simple click, and we’re set.
  • What did we do in the GIF? We selected a price point, known as a “strike”, which in this case is $305
  • Why that specific price? It’s for a great company we see as undervalued.
  • What happens with one click? Two outcomes:

    We earn some money. For this strike, the premium is $4.15, so that’s $415 in our pocket.

    Or, we might buy the company’s stocks at the great rate of $305 per share.
  • Simple Analogy: Imagine setting a target price for something you want. If the price doesn’t drop to your target (like our $305 target), you get paid (like our $415)!

Unlocking Value with Options: Real Strategies, Real Returns

Dive Deep with Our Course: Discover the core of our strategy with Options Value Investing Course. This isn’t just another course; it’s a deep dive into the world of cash-secured put options on high-quality companies. When you subscribe, you don’t just get access; you get lifetime access. This means you can revisit, relearn, and refine your strategy at any pace you choose.

Consistent and Proven Returns: We’re not just teaching theory; we’re showcasing a method with a track record. Our approach has consistently yielded returns of around 20% annually. It’s not about chasing the next big thing; it’s about understanding value, seizing opportunities, and making informed decisions. With our guidance, you’ll learn the art of achieving consistent, proven returns.

Stay Updated with Exclusive Insights: Your subscription doesn’t end with the course. For a full year, you’ll receive free access to our exclusive Telegram channel. Here, we provide monthly updates on the best companies to target, ensuring you’re always in the loop. Plus, get a front-row seat to our live trade insights. Witness real-time decision-making and understand the why behind every move.

Course Features You’ll Love

Master the Art of Discount Buying

Learn the secrets of successful investors like Warren Buffett. We’ll teach you how to buy your favorite stocks at significant discounts, and even how to end up owning stocks for free.

Efficient Trading, Maximum Returns

Our streamlined strategies allow you to trade effectively in less than 20 minutes a day. No need for constant chart-checking – just sit back, filter your trades, and watch the premiums roll in.

Systematic Trading for Consistent Success

We provide a clear, rule-based system for trading, eliminating guesswork and emotion from the equation. Trade logically, manage risk effectively, and increase your chances of success.

Bonus: Technical Analysis Lessons

To round out your trading education, we offer bonus lessons on technical analysis. Understand the charts, spot the trends, and make more informed trading decisions.

Feedback from our dedicated students

As a real estate broker with years of experience in the housing market, I know the value of a solid investment. That’s why when I discovered the Options Value Investing course, I was immediately intrigued. Unlike other financial courses I’ve encountered, this one cuts to the chase and simplifies options trading. Specifically, it offers actionable advice on how to leverage cash-secured put options for maximum gains with minimal risk. The course has opened my eyes to new wealth-building possibilities, and I’m keen on integrating these strategies into my existing portfolio.

Dan Jin

California, USA.

I recently graduated with a degree in Petroleum Engineering and have been navigating a tough job market. Then I came across the Options Value Investing course. The content is straightforward yet incredibly insightful, focusing on intelligent investment in undervalued companies. This experience has been so transformative that I’m seriously considering pausing my job hunt to focus exclusively on options trading. This course is a game-changer.

Fajer AlQallaf

Kuwait City, Kuwait.

Even though my passion and expertise lie in dance, I’ve always been curious about the world of finance and trading. Taking the Options Value Investing course was a leap outside of my comfort zone, but I was amazed at how simple and clear the content was. Despite having no background in trading, the course made the concepts of cash-secured put options easy to understand. Although dance and trading might seem worlds apart, the course showed me that with the right guidance, anyone can master the art of options trading. Thank you for introducing me to this new world of possibilities!

Auris Petrulevicius

Vilnius, Lithuania.

Benefits of Your One-Time Purchase

On-Demand Viewing:

Watch anytime, anywhere.

Lifetime Benefits:

Access and updates, forever.

Monthly Company Lists:

Target the best trading opportunities.

Psychology Mastery:

Enhance your Stock Market mindset.

20% Annual Returns:

Learn our consistent, proven strategy.

Live Trade Glimpses:

Real-time insights to emulate.

Telegram Bonus: 

Enjoy one year of free channel access.

Enroll Now In Our Options Investing Course

Don’t miss out on transforming your financial future. Enroll today to uncover the secrets of options value investing and watch your portfolio skyrocket.


$ 599 .99 $ 299 .99
  • Unlimited Access
  • Winning Market Mindset
  • Proven high returns
  • Real-Time Insights
  • Exclusive channel membership

Course Curriculum

Lesson 1: Introduction to Options

  • Part 1: Buying Calls and Puts
  • Part 2: Selling Call Options

Lesson 2: Selling Put Options

  • Part 1: The Concept of Selling Put Options
  • Part 2: The Details of Selling Put Options
  • Part 3: Selling Cash-Secured Puts vs. Selling Naked Puts
  • Part 4: Closing Cash-Secured Put Options Before Expiration
  • Part 5: Intrinsic, Extrinsic Values and Greeks in Options Contracts
  • Part 6: The Essential Five Rules for Selling Cash-Secured Puts

Lesson 3: How To Identify Great Companies

  • Part 1: Identifying Great Companies – Criteria One & Two
  • Part 2: Focusing on Wide Economic Moat Companies – Criteria Number 3
  • Part 3: Identifying Great Companies – Criteria Four & Five

Lesson 4: Strategies to Identify Undervalued Companies

  • Part 1: Determining a Company’s True Worth and Margin of Safety
  • Part 2: How To Calculate the Intrinsic Value of a Company

Lesson 5: Technical Analysis

  • Part 1: Understanding Technical Analysis
  • Part 2: Moving Averages

Lesson 6: Selling Cash-Secured Puts using IBKR

  • Part 1: IBKR Setup
  • Part 2: IBKR Training